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Edu Komputika Journal
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Edu Komputika Journal menerbitkan artikel-artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual di bidang pendidikan TIK, komputer, teknologi informasi, multimedia, rekayasa software dan aplikasinya dalam bidang pendidikan.
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Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The implementation of the 2013 curriculum  at SMK N 1 Batang need for new learning models that correspond to the curriculum. This study aims to determine whether there is any difference in student learning outcomes using models invitation into inquiry and student using expository models on the subjects of  KKPI class XI AP SMK N 1 Batang. The design was nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Average values obtained experimental class 82 703, the control class 74.71. The results of t-test t = 11.863 while t table = 1.99. So thitung> ttable, means there are significant differences between the two groups. It can be concluded that the application of the invitation into inquiry learning model is better than the application of expository teaching model on the subjects of KKPI class XI AP SMK N 1 Batang. Suggested invitation into inquiry learning model can be applied to subjects KKPI with different competencies that learners learning outcomes can reach over KKM predetermined value. _________________________________________________
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Teacher’s Performance Assessment (PKG) is an ability assessment process of teachers to apply the competencies and skills include pedagogical, personality, social, and professional aspects. The results of the assessment then processed by PKG’s team to produce a final value which is useful in the process of career development, promotion and functional position. Therefore, systems are needed to process the results of PKG. Based on the situation, this research is intended to make decision support system of teacher’s performance assessment that can help the PKG team to manage PKG results and give priority to the selection of the best teachers based on their performance. This decision support system applying Simple Additive weighting (SAW) method to determine the priority of the best teachers. The concept of SAW method is to find a weighted sum of the performance rating for each alternative (teacher) on all attributes. The system is made using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) development methods which consists of the analysis, design, code, test, and maintenance are implemented with the PHP and MySQL programming language. Tests performed on this system is blackbox testing and comparison.The results obtained from blackbox testing 100% valid, which means all of the functional system is running well. The results of comparative testing 100% valid because it has been adapted to the calculation based on PERMENEGPAN 16/2009.The system has been tested at the high school State an equals Wonosobo regency as end users, with an average yield of 87.69% of user response. Based on the research,  the conclusion  are taken that the decision support system with SAW method  useful to help PKG team to cultivate the best prioritize of teacher assessment effectively and efficiently based on test results blackbox, comparison and analysis of the usefulness of the system user responses.
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Based on observation at 25 junior high school Purworejo are gotten data that learning process TIK still using lecture method and using media still less. That is effect low studying result, we can looking by seven classs odd final examination result with mean classical studying completeness as 43,85%. This research purpose to know are there increasing student study result and to know are student study result with bingo learning media effective learning process. Research method is experiment with quasi experiment design. Sampling in quasi experiment use non random sampling technique that is purposive sampling. Quasi experiment design form is Nonequivalent control group design. This research result show that mean pretest experiment class as 67,42 whereas mean posttest experiment class as 83,28. Mean pretest control class as 66,48 whereas mean posttest control class as 76,09. Based on t-test analysis, there are increasing student study result with thitung = 2,77. Based on gain analysis, increasing study result experiment class in medium category that is 0,49 whereas increasing study result control class in low category that is 0,28 so student study result with bingo learning media effective learning process.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pencatat Kelahiran Bayi Erviani, Diah; Hudallah, Noor; Suryanto, Agus
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this research is to produce software of Management Information Systems Registry of Births Baby Web-based using PHP and MySQL in the office of the village hall Penundan subdistrict Batang district Banyuputih viable, practical and easy to use. The expected benefits of this research is to provide practicality and ease the process of recording births and birth data archiving. The research method used is a Research and Development (R & D). Functional testing system using blackbox testing performed by 10 students, due diligence review conducted by 2 lecturers expert system based on McCall quality models and test the practicality of implementation and ease of use of the system is done by 5 village officials. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques in the study using a descriptive system with the percentage of research instruments in the form of a checklist or a selection of data called Likert scale. Conclusions from this research is the Management Information System Registry of Births Baby has successfully created the method of Research and Development, the results of feasibility test on the criteria of "Very Decent" with a percentage of 86.11% and the level of practicality and easy on the criteria of "Very Practical and Easy "with a percentage of 87.31%. Suggestions for further research is need for improvement in terms of the display system to be more responsive when accessed in all browsers, and is expected also the system can be applied to an online server.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Bisindo) dengan Mengintegrasikan Cloud Video Berbasis Android Nuryazid, Nuryazid; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Sign language learning application to be able to help its users in order to learn sign language easily namely a sign language dictionary application can display video in it, is needed these day. The popularity of using android operating system in the general society makes the development of Indonesian sign language dictionary application based on android. This application development is using the software development waterfall model that consists of a stage needs analyze includes an analysis of user needs, preparation tools and the materials development, system design in the form of use case diagrams, activity diagram, sequence diagram, as well as interface design, coding by using the Java programming language, to the testing of products include the black-box test, experts test, and users test. The result of this application development is a dictionary application of sign language that can display a video of Indonesia language sign movement. Black-box testing result showed the application was already running in accordance with the design that has been created. Testing applications by material and media experts indicated that this application has a very good quality. Also for the application user testing results conducted 22 people studied the sign language, they indicated that the application has a very good functional qualities. Based on the results of these tests, then it can be inferred that Indonesian sign language dictionary application development can be used as a learning tool for helping Indonesian people to study about the sign language.
Implementasi Capacitive Sensor pada Arduino dalam Perancangan Bonang Elektronik Yuniaratri, Riris; Suryanto, Agus; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This aim of this research to create a clone hardware that can represent original Bonang Barung using existing technology. Capacitive sensors on Arduino was used to detect a touch on bonang. The touch was distinguished by the declaration pins of Arduino. Each pin represented one sensor for one tone. The tone was derived from recording original Bonang Barung stored in SD-Card WTV020SD-16P module. Furthermore, Arduino as microcontroller would select input to produce an output through the speakers. Testing was done by analyzing the frequencies and sensitivities that exist in electronic bonang. Results of the test were showed difference frequency of 1-9 Hz between the frequency of original bonang with electronic bonang. This difference was still relatively the same frequency in one tone. The use of different thickness metal in sensitivity testing was as good as the response from the sensor. On the use of resistors, the higher value of resistor would make higher sensitivity of the sensor. Based of the research could be concluded that the capacitive sensor could be applied to design electronic bonang by using appropriate resistor value that was 1 MW. The higher value of resistor would make sensitivity of electronic bonang higher too. The use of aluminum foil and aluminum plate with thickness 0.8mm, 1mm and 1.5mm with each side lengths 3cm, 4cm and 5cm were as good as for sensor response.
Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar TIK pada Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Ulujami Wijayanti, Septiani; Primadiyono, Yohanes; Purbawanto, Sugeng
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of problem solving learning model to increase learning outcomes of ICT in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Ulujami. The method used is a method of quantitative experiments. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Ulujami the academic year 2015/2016 with the number of 364 students. The research sample is chosen randomly selected classes are two classes as class ekserimen (VIII-A and VIII-G) and two classes as the control class (VIII-C and VIII-I). The results showed the average posttest experimental class learning model of problem solving that is class VIII-A is 86 and VIII-G is 86, while those using the lecture method on the control class is class VIII-C is 79 and VIII-I was 83. the results of the study concluded that there are significant learning model application problem solving to learning outcome of ICT on students of SMP Negeri 1 Ulujami. It can be seen from the results of the linear regression equation VIII-A is ý = 0.29 + 63,79X and the results of the linear regression equation VIII-G is ý = 0.57 + 40,91X means that the effect of variable to variable pretest posttest is positive, showing a rise of the value pretest will be followed by a rise in the value of the posttest.
Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Beasiswa Faizah, Nur; Prastyanto, Dhidik; Adi, Slamet Seno
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to get the program decision support system (DSS) that implement simple additive weighting method (SAW) to select recipients. In pursuit of this study using waterfall development model. Based on the foundation of systems development waterfall model, the research begins with an analysis system planning. After analyzing the system followed by designing the system, then the coding and ends with the testing process. SPK recipients of this scholarship using SAW method using 8 criteria. In this research has been conducted trials using criteria 8 and 9 criteria. Implementation method of SAW on SPK recipients are in compliance, as evidenced by the system is capable of providing recommendation recipients. This is indicated by the results of blackbox testing that all functions can be run well. In testing efficiency, obtained the average load time of 1.5 seconds (acceptable) and the average grade obtained acquire grade A. Tests portability states the system can run on multiple web browsers and declared the usability testing criteria are eligible. In the SPK recipients also include additional flexibility criteria up to 20 criteria.
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together terhadap Hasil Belajar TIK Siswa SMP N 1 Bulu Sukoharjo Muthi’ah, Faridah; Kartono, R.; Widodo, Djoko Adi
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The aim of this research is to find out determine the difference in average cognitive learning outcomes and the effectiveness of the learning model Numbered head together,. This type of research is experimental design. The design used in this research is posttest only control group design. The sampling technique used in this research is probability sampling. Population in this research is all tenth grade junior high school 1 Bulu Sukoharjo year 2015/2016. From the results of data analysis, obtained by the analysis results of hypothesis testing independent samples t-test significance value = 0.00 and t = -7.01 and table = -2, 00 with α = 5% by dk = 30 + 30-2 = 58 . Criteria testing is Ha accepted if tcount <ttabel, then thitung is in the region of rejection Ha. Because taccount is in the region of rejection Ha, it shows that there are significant differences in learning outcomes between the experimental class and control class. Z test analysis is used to determine the percentage complete experimental class learning. based on the analysis obtained by zhitung =2,17   ztabel =1,64. Testing criteria is if zhitung> ztabel then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Based on data analysis can be concluded that there are differences in average outcomes between classroom learning by learning Numbered head together and classroom learning by lecture and Learning model Numbered Head Together effective in ICT learning.
Pembuatan Aplikasi Klasifikasi Otomatis Laporan Keluhan Warga di Polrestabes Semarang Akbar, Dawam Muhammad; Pribadi, Feddy Setio
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to simplify the classification document of report complaints in Polrestabes Semarang. This research used cosine similarity algorithm and nearest neighbor algorithm on classification process. Cosine similarity measure between two vector of an inner product space. Nearest neighbor calculate vector distance of the document to another. The result show that the accuracy of cosine similarity algorithm is better than nearest neighbor algorithm. It has the value 93,334% for cosine similarity algorithm and 80% for nearest neighbor algorithm.

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